Last night when we came home our neighbor was standing outside watching her camper being unloaded off a flat bed onto the street. Well, obviously Ted got out of the car and walked up and started conversing her with her. ( I say obviously because he is a very social man) While chatting with her he found out that she had to find a way to get it into her drive way.. this thing is huge.. If i remember correctly I think she said it weighed seven thousand pounds??? Anyways, he offered his help and our dear friend Melissa offered Ted to use her truck to back it into the drive way. I told my neighbor that Ted gets home from work around 3pm and we would talk about getting it into the driveway tomorrow.
Well, 3pm arrived and Melissa showed up with her truck and I went and knocked on her door to tell her we were ready.. She answered the door and looked at me and said "you know I love you guys right?" I brushed it off and said "Seriously, its not a big deal we like to help people out." She then said something that actually inspired me to write this blog.. with tears in her eyes she stated "I have lived here for (I think she said 30 years) and not many people are willing to help out." WOW!!! This then made me start thinking about why people who live in the same community.. same neighborhood.. same street wouldn't want to help someone out... are they afraid to offer, afraid to get rejected or just think they don't have time?? I still don't know why, but it was a huge eye opener for me and it actually makes me want to get out and help more.
I am not going to lie I sometimes see an elderly person, or a mom struggling to get her 4 kids and the groceries in the car, and the thought crosses my mind " should I help them?" Normally I don't because I am afraid they are going to take offense and snap at me and say no. From now on I am going to just ask them kindly if I can lend a hand. We don't know what everyone is going through and sometimes just a simple help loading the groceries in the car or putting their cart away might just be exactly what they need. To all my readers I hope next time you ( and so will I) see someone who could use some help you would be willing to lend a helping hand! God Bless each and every one of you!
Hebrews 13:16
16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
I love your blog and look forward to reading more of them!