Thursday, May 3, 2012

10 signs your kids are growing up!

I have a 2 year old and quite possibly a 17 year old. Well, actually he is only 9 but seriously I've been noticing him do a lot of "grown up" things.

1. He orders off the adult menu.. He doesn't get full off the kid menu anymore.. That's really nice for my wallet!

2. He uses deodorant on a daily basis and smells like a man! Yes, our 9 year old feels grown up enough to have deodorant just like dad.. Although he probably does not need it.. why not start good habits now?

3. He says "I'll text you when I get there." Just makes me cringe.. heck, my mom only started texing 2 years ago.

4. When I go to take a shower he will say "Don't worry about us I got Brody." OK, I don't have anything to say about that.. I absolutely LOVE it!!

5. He will ask to do things to earn money. He is starting to realize we wont just buy him whatever and he has to earn it!

6. He uses the word "dude" on a daily basis.

7. He will ask to help cook dinner, set the table, or do dishes!!! I will enjoy this now because by the time he gets to be a teenager he is going to hate all this!

8. I can no longer spell out words to ted."should we go to the P-A-R-K?"

9. If I say "just give me 5 minutes." I really only have 5 minutes to be ready, because guess who is watching every single minute go by..?

Number 10 is my favorite. It's the whole reason that got me thinking about "signs of your kids growing up."

10. He's to big for the kiddie pool.. We had to refill the water twice today and I let him be in charge of the hose because I felt bad that there was basically no room in the pool for him.. Poor Kiddo!

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