Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shopping with Brody.

Before I had kids I could care less if I had to run errands, but now when I have to run to grab a few things it's literally like preparing for a camping trip. Do we have the diaper bag, the sippy cup, the dinosaur that likes to ride in the cart with Brody and his favorite blanket? Seriously did I just get into the car without shoes on? Wow, it sure is alot of work!

 We have had the "major blowout" at target where I was so close to throwing away the outfit he had on. (needless to say we just changed the Diaper and went home.) Brody, also loves to ride in those huge carts with the car connected to them. Have you ever had to steer one of those? I am thinking about starting a Drivers Ed class to teach parents how to control there obnoxious 'Car Carts' I find they are also really loud you may want to bring ear plugs. He also likes to place all the items on the belt at the check out line. It's so great he wants to help me but I know the cashier is probably thinking "Come on kid my grandma moves faster then you." I am thankful that neither of the kids have ever had huge temper trantrums in the store, but we have had our moments.

Shopping with him can be fun too. Recently we were in the christmas section and there was a huge Hershey Bar it weighed a whopping 5 pounds and would cost you $35 dollars to bring that bad boy home! We deffiantly were not going to buy it but we did snap a picture with it!

At the end of our shopping adventures I sometimes feel like I just completed a marathon, but I sure do love the company, the laughs, and the unforgetable moments!

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