I love this time of year its full of family, friends, and festivities. Today, Ted asked me what the date was and for some reason it slipped my mind that its already November! Wow, time sure does go by fast. once I said November 1st it reminded me of thanksgiving and all that I have to be thankful for. I know its still a little early but I just had a urge to write it all down.

1. I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus. Yes, this isn't something new for me but my relationship with him has definitely become stronger this year. When we moved to Bloomington we left our old church because the commute was a little longer then we liked. We continued to search for a new church for over a year and just never found one that had everything we were looking for. During our search I felt lost and a little out of touch. We had heard from numerous people to try the church across the street from our house. I don't know why it took so long, but we eventually tried it out and our first service was the Thanksgiving Eve service. During this past year Ted and I have grown so much and both made a decision to get Baptised. Such an amazing experience to share with the one you love. My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life and I feel like I am truly grabbing a hold of that.
2. I am thankful for my Husband. Oh boy, where do I even begin. He is a man of so many wonderful qualities. He always makes sure I know I am loved by him. He works his tail off for our family and that is HUGE .. without him we wouldn't have food on the table and a roof over our head. He is an amazing father with lots of patience. He is a loving husband who has loved me unconditionally through everything pretty and ugly. He is the best listener.. I love how when I'm down and a little bit off track he can tell and always has the best advice - Sometimes he knows me better then I know myself... not all the time only sometimes haha! I am thankful for him each and everyday!
3. I am thankful for my kids. Where would I be without those precious boys? Honestly, I cant imagine my life without them. I recently learned that we need to embrace the season were in and right now I am in a season of taking care of a 'want to be teenager' and a toddler. They both are in separate seasons of there life as well and I get the privilege to guide them along and experience the seasons with them. It's such an amazing feeling to watch them grow and become more independent. I am so thankful for having this opportunity and wouldn't change our fast paced life for anything.. eventually we will be in a different season of life and I want to enjoy this one while it lasts.
4. I am thankful for my friends and family. I put friends and family together because my family are my friends and my friends are my family! I have amazing parents who are so supportive in our lives and always willing to help with anything we need .I have truly been blessed in this department all around! I have the best siblings who are more like best friends. I can count on anyone of them for just about anything and I have a special relationship with each one of them individually. They fill my life with so much love. All of my friends are so wonderful. I have a best friend who I have known since the 6th grade.. she is one of the godmothers to Brody and I am so thankful that she is still part of my life. I could go on and on about all the great friends I have but this year I just feel that my life have been overflowing with wonderful friends both old and new! You are all so important to me.
5. I am thankful for my job. I don't think its fair to even call it a job because it doesn't feel like work. Sure, I have my days where I feel tired and worn out but that comes with almost anything in life. I love having a house full of kids that feel like family. I like how I have so much love for each one of them. They make our life super fun! It's so amazing to watch my kids create relationships with the kids I watch. They truly become like family and there isn't anything better then that!
I am thankful for so many different things and people in my life but I only have enough time tonight to share my top five. It's such a great time of the year and I just wanted to acknowledge a few things in my life that have brought me true happiness. Bless you all.
Also a little side note.. There is only 53 days until christmas!! I need to get shopping...