Today is Devin's 10th Birthday.. Yes, he is out of the single digits and he couldn't be happier. We celebrated his birthday last weekend. Although there is no party today I told him that he could pick his all time favorite meal and I would make it for the family tonight.. He picked Breakfast for dinner! We have a few gifts for him after school and one other surprise. I just love birthdays!
Note to Devin:
Devin, where do I even begin.. there are so many great qualities about you. I love that you are a sweet, kind hearted, outgoing, competitive young man. Yes, I can officially say young man now that your 10 years old. I have so much love for you and that will NEVER change. I have some awesome memories with you. You know one of my favorites is when we decided to take scooters down the huge hill at our old house and Daddy was laughing at us. You were so tough for being only 5 years old and you watched me go first and then you said "okay here I come" and you were flying down the hill and as I watched you get closer and closer to me your hands were wobbling and I knew you weren't going to make it. I remember a panic setting into my whole body.. I didn't know what to do. How was I going to stop you from falling?.. Then CRASH.. You fell to the ground. I ran up to you and daddy came running down the hill. I was so scared you were going to be hurt but you looked up at me with those cute blue eyes and said "I can't rub dirt on this one." You were totally fine and even asked to do it again. Anyways, the whole point to my story is that the panic that was in my stomach that day never goes away. It comes back every time I'm waiting to see you walk of the bus, every time you ride your bike, every time your at the park, every time your sad, hurt, or angry.. The feeling comes from love. I love you so much that I can't stand to see you hurt or sad. Devin, you have showed me so many great things in life but honestly one of the best things is you taught me how to be a mom.. you taught me that I no longer can think of myself first, you taught me unconditional love.. no matter what you do or say I will continue to love you more and more each day. I love that you have a heart for God, you are always so worried about hurting other peoples feelings, you are the most amazing Big brother!. I love you so much kiddo thanks for giving me the best life above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. So, today we are going to celebrate that you have been on earth for 10 years.. but after today lets slow down on the growing.. :) Xoxo

Sweet little boy.
This was the day I dressed Devin up as a girl. Ted came home from work and saw him and got mad.. Devin and I still joke about it to Ted. There is better pictures of it.. this was the one he approved for my blog.
Love how his personality shows in this picture.. He just climbed into bed with is aunt and uncle.
Agh.. He grew up way to fast.