I was sleeping and I heard the back door slam so immediately I jumped out of bed and went to see what was going on. I find Brody sitting on the kitchen floor with a huge smile " morning mama" Once I realized that he had let the dogs out and they were wondering the driveway I thought to myself ......"crap I am going to have to chase these dogs around the neighborhood I'm my pajamas." Good news is the neighbors didn't get an entertaining show and both dogs ran right into the back yard and I closed the gate. Whew.. At this point I was a little upset with Brody. What was he thinking waking up and letting the dogs out all by himself??
I told Brody that it was not okay to do that and he needs to wake mommy up before he does anything in the morning. (typically I am up before the kids. I guess he just wanted to be an early bird) He said " I help you with all your work momma." Which brought me back to our conversation last night. We were telling the boys how they need to be helpful around the house. Even though it was wrong of him to go outside with out telling anyone I am thankful that he wanted to help out and he was listening to our 'talk' last night.
Well, Its now 8 am and the dishes are done, my kitchen is cleaned, and laundry is well on its way to being complete! I can tell today is going to be a good day. Lets hope I'm not regretting saying this around noon. :)