Friday, July 20, 2012

Today is going to be a good day..

 I was sleeping and I heard the back door slam so immediately I jumped out of bed and went to see what was going on. I find Brody sitting on the kitchen floor with a huge smile " morning mama" Once I realized that he had let the dogs out and they were wondering the driveway I thought to myself ......"crap I am going to have to chase these dogs around the neighborhood I'm my pajamas." Good news is the neighbors didn't get an entertaining show and both dogs ran right into the back yard and I closed the gate. Whew.. At this point I was a little upset with Brody. What was he thinking waking up and letting the dogs out all by himself??

I told Brody that it was not okay to do that and he needs to wake mommy up before he does anything in the morning. (typically I am up before the kids. I guess he just wanted to be an early bird) He said " I help you with all your work momma." Which brought me back to our conversation last night. We were telling the boys how they need to be helpful around the house. Even though it was wrong of him to go outside with out telling anyone I am thankful that he wanted to help out and he was listening to our 'talk' last night.

Well, Its now 8 am and the dishes are done, my kitchen is cleaned, and laundry is well on its way to being complete! I can tell today is going to be a good day. Lets hope I'm not regretting saying this around noon. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I can do all things....

I've heard all to often people talking about how much they enjoy their "prayer walks" Its something Ive always wanted to have time for.. I would sit here and talk to Ted about how it would be so nice to just wake up in the morning and go for a prayer walk.

Obviously I can't just wake up and go out the door. I have sweet little angels to take care of. I know... I know... I could wake up before ted gets up and go then but lets be honest I am not getting up at 4:45 ha ha! Anyways, for the past two weeks after the kids are in bed or just relaxing before bed time I have been going for a run, bike ride, or working out on the elliptical.

I started off listening to all kinds of music that I like until one day I played the christian play list I have and started praying and giving thanks through my entire work out.. Before I knew it I had gone over 3 miles on my elliptical and I was in such a good mood I felt like I could have done it all over again. That evening the thought came to my mind.. I CAN have a 'prayer walk' but instead of actually dedicating a walk to praying I will dedicate my work outs. It has been a huge change for me. I actually look forward to it because Its time alone and I always feel so refreshed after. It was also a huge reminder for me that I can do anything I put my mind to if I turn to christ. God will provide and there is always a way!

I owe a huge thanks to my husband who holds down the fort for a little over an hour every evening while I get some alone time with my heavenly father. I appreciate the time very much! I love seeing how GOD provides in my life!

My go to verse! Love it!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A little fun in the sun!

I feel like it's been a while since I last got a chance to blog. We have had a pretty busy summer. I started a new job, Devin's had baseball 2 times a week (sometimes 3), and we have just been trying to enjoy our summer together as a family.

This weekend I brought the boys up to Cloquet to see my parents. We had a blast! Yesterday we went to chub lake and went jet skiing, played in the sun, and did some swimming. Devin feels like he has bragging rights because papa let him drive the jet ski and they even tipped it over a few times! I on the other hand am super tired from the 5 hours of driving and all the fun I had 'screwing around' (in my dads words) on the jet ski with my sister Sadie.

For the most part the boys were great and I love that they like spending time with their grandparents. We made it home in one piece after..... 2 pieces of missing chewed gum, a shoe thrown at my head while I was driving, and the constant nagging about how much longer! I love my boys so much and would do it over and over again to see the smiles on their faces when there with there "papa and Gigi"

Another great thing about being away for the weekend is I got to give my husband some much needed time to himself. He is outside for the entire workday and is just exhausted after coming home and all the evening activities we have going on. You would think he would have liked to take the time and just relax but of course being an awesome daddy he spent some of his time building the kids a huge sand box. They were so surprised and Brody made sure to play in it right away! I also was in for a surprise myself. I have had my eye on some chairs I wanted for the patio and around the bonfire pit. When we got home they were waiting for me in the drive way. Brody said, "Mommy!! your favorite chairs are here... Daddy is nice!" I sure do love my husband! Thanks Ted!

All in all we had a fantastic time, a pretty good car ride, and came home to a few surprises. I am beyond blessed with the life I have been given and just feel extra thankful today. GOD is good!

 On the jet ski with Papa
 My lovely new chairs!
The new sandbox